How to Rank Nationally in SEO

How to Rank Nationally in SEO
Do you want to grow your business on a national scale? Then an effective national SEO strategy is crucial. These 5 simple steps are the keys to unlocking your success.

5 Simple Steps for a Successful National SEO Strategy

National SEO strategies are becoming increasingly important for companies that need to reach a wider audience. Why? Because it is one of the most cost-effective ways (if not the most cost-effective way) to expand your customer base and grow your company’s reach. You’ll tap into a broader and deeper customer base, with the opportunity to target specific regions or states. This is helpful if those locations happen to have high competition and lots of advertising competing for the top spot on SERPs.

Whatever your business goals ─ such as increasing organic rankings for your website, earning more visitors organically, or generating leads from across the nation ─ a national SEO strategy is crucial. The investment you make should improve the visibility of your business and help you increase conversions with a hugely positive ROI.

To tap into all these benefits, there are five key steps to take.

Step #1: Improve your website

Designing a website may seem like a challenging task, but it doesn’t have to be. A web designer can help you analyze your existing site for effectiveness, and create a design that makes your website easy to navigate and load quickly. It should also be mobile-friendly and user-friendly with all the tools you need for running your business effectively.

Remember, too, that designing for the user means you need to take into consideration what visitors want to do on your site. You should focus on adding features that allow their primary goals to be achieved with ease, and your site should avoid any superfluous information or design elements that might distract them from their goal.

Step #2: Use advanced keyword research and keyword mapping

SEO is the most important factor for any website. A key element of this is keyword research and keyword mapping.

Keyword research is the process of researching and discovering what people are searching for to target them with relevant content.

You can do this by looking at the keywords people are entering into search engines. You can also do this by looking at popular pages on our website and what keywords they rank for. If you know which words your customers are using, it makes it easier to tailor your content so that they will find it more useful.

The end goal is to build a better strategy around which keywords to use on various pages to generate more traffic from search engines.

Step #3: Create high-quality content

You should choose content topics carefully, and create high-quality content with valuable information that is relevant to your audience. You can then use this content to build white hat backlinks; for example, by using outreach or guest posts. Infographics are also easily digestible content that provides substantial value to users.

Step #4: Use on-page SEO

On-page SEO is essential to your content marketing efforts. Optimization of specific on-page elements will help you rank higher in search engines. However, it’s important to make sure that your efforts are not fragmented. It’s hard to get traction if there are no synergies between all the different channels you are targeting. On-page SEO consists of the basic practices ─ meta titles, meta descriptions, heading titles, etc.

Step #5: Implement tools to track your results and adjust tactics

For a successful national SEO strategy, you need to be able to track your results and adjust your tactics accordingly. This includes assessing the magnetism of your content, reconfiguring content and on-page SEO to updated keywords, and making sure that the performance metrics of your website don’t diminish. To do this, you can use tools such as:

  • Google Analytics ─ a web analytics application offered by Google that shows you information about your website traffic. This includes how many visits, the average time on site, the bounce rate, and the location.

  • Google Search Console ─ a free suite of tools to help you monitor your website performance on Google. They offer tools for SEO audits, insights into your search traffic, and tips to improve your search visibility.

Are you ready to get started with your national SEO strategy?

A well-designed and effectively executed national SEO strategy could take your business to levels of growth you can only dream of as a locally-focused business. The key is to understand your goals and establish a strategy that focuses on all the elements that will boost your SERPs rankings. Do this effectively, and the ROI of your investment into a national SEO strategy could be stratospheric.

Do you want to learn more about how a national SEO strategy can help your business to grow? Fill out the form below to gain access now.

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5 Simple Steps for a Successful National SEO Strategy National SEO strategies are becoming increasingly important for companies that need to reach a wider audience. Why? Because it is one of the most cost-effective ways (if not the most cost-effective way) to expand your customer base and grow your company’s reach. You’ll tap into a broader and deeper customer base, with the opportunity to target specific regions or states. This is helpful if those locations happen to have high comp...

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